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Tampa General Hospital SAGES Highlights: From Improved Post-Operative GERD to Sleeve Gastrectomies and More

Published: Nov 2, 2021

During the recent Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) conference in Las Vegas, gastroenterology experts from Tampa General Hospital presented on a number of groundbreaking research projects that are expanding the realm of possibilities for cancer treatment, care, and prevention.

Presentations Included:

Title: 9 Step Robotic Esophagectomy

Presented By: Christopher DuCoin, MD and Karla Bernardi, MD

Details: A video presentation describing the 9 key steps of performing a robotic esophagectomy which is a technically demanding and unique procedure. This project was created to help others take their first steps in attempting robotic esophagectomy.


Title: Trans Oral Removal of Silastic Band in the Setting of Gastric Bypass and Multiple Abdominal Surgeries

Presented By: Christopher DuCoin, MD, Joseph Sujka, MD, Michelle McGee, Michelle Lippincott, MD, Ali Abbas, MD

Details: In this case lecture, presenters discuss endoscopic removal of a silastic band in someone who would have been a dif􀀁cult operative candidate due to previous abdominal surgeries. By showing this technique, others may be able to avoid the morbidity of reoperative surgery.


Title: A Rare Presentation of a Gastrointestinal Schwannoma with Bulky Lymphadenopathy - Operative Management Using a Combined Laparoscopic/Endoscopic Approach

Presented By: Christopher DuCoin, MD, Joseph Sujka, MD, C Nelson, Gregory Bach, MD

Details: In some cases, masses are not obvious from external examination of organs, and instead endoscopy gives a better roadmap for the position of a lesion. In this presented case, physicians showed how a combined laparoscopic/endoscopic approach can improve effciency of removal of a diffcult to appreciate mass.


Massive Paraesophageal Hernia repair combined with Roux En Y Gastric Bypass: An avenue for decreasing recurrence and improving post-operative GERD

Presented By: Bigness A, Karla Bernardi, MD, Joseph Sujka, MD, Christopher DuCoin, MD

Details: This is a passion project for our department as currently paraesophageal hernias, where contents from the abdomen go into the chest, are approached with diaphragmatic reconstruction and buttressing. We feel that combining this with a gastric bypass can reduce recurrence due to weight loss and improve outcomes related to GERD and Barrett’s esophagus. We presented this data and are currently working on several manuscripts related to the topic. Diaphragmatic hernia repair with mesh in a patient with a liver transplant for reoperative Foregut Surgery


Title: Redo, Redo, Hiatal Hernia, Mesh, Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation & Gastric Bypass - Making sure you have all the tools in your toolbox Diaphragmatic hernia repair with mesh in a patient with a liver transplant for reoperative Foregut Surgery

Presented By: Jasmina Ehab, MD, Joseph Sujka, MD, Michelle Lippincott, MD, Christopher DuCoin

Details: With redo surgery slowly becoming a larger part of both robotic and foregut surgery, this lecture was geared towards discussing the various modalities available to a surgeon in the setting of redo surgery.


Title: Safety and Feasibility of Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation with concomitant primary sleeve gastrectomy for patients with gastroesophageal reflux

Presented by: Courtney McEwen, Joseph Sujka, Mannat Sandhu, Christopher DuCoin

Details: Sleeve gastrectomy has a high rate of postoperative GERD. Therefore various modalities have been attempted to improve this post operative outcome. However LINX (or magnetic sphincter augmentation) is a foreign object and there are concerns that placing this next to a staple line after surgery could lead to infection. In this study we cultured the staple line and found that there was no significant pathologic growth in the area suggesting LINX may be able to be used in combination with sleeve gastrectomy.


Title: Association of Surgeon Volume and Outcome in Esophagomyotomy

Presented by: Paul Kuo, MD, MS, MBA, Haroon Janjua, MS, Anthony Desantis MD, Daniela Moino, McWayne Weche, Christopher DuCoin, MD

Details: Esophagomyotomy is a method of myotomy utilizing endoscopy. In this study we showed that surgeons who perform more of these procedures tend to have better outcomes in their patients.


Title: Metastatic lung carcinoma to the anus despite radiation therapy for squamous cell carcinoma.

Presented by: Michaelia Sunderland, MD, Read, Katsiaryna Khatskevich, Bennett

Details: Hear a rare case of metastatic lung carcinoma to the anus was described and the therapy utilized for treatment.


Title: Lesson learned from endoscopic management of a recurrent staple-line leak that progressed to gastro-pleural fistula, a rare but dreaded long-term complication of sleeve gastrectomy.

Presented by: Joseph Sujka, MD, Katsiaryna Khatskevich, Ali Abbas, MD, Christopher DuCoin, MD

Details: With more sleeve gastrectomies being performed staple line leaks and other complications are continuing to occur. In our center we have advanced endoscopic options for treating these patients and describe a particularly recalcitrant case requiring various modalities for treatment. We also reviewed the options that should be considered by surgeons in the treatment of these complications.