Urinary Leakage Surgery  

Urinary leakage surgery can help individuals whose quality of life is being impacted by urinary incontinence.    

Millions of Americans suffer from urinary incontinence, a condition characterized by bladder control issues and urine leakage that is much more prevalent in women than men. In some individuals, it causes an intense need to urinate immediately (urge incontinence), while in others it leads to gradual urine leakage (stress incontinence or overflow incontinence). It can be a short-term nuisance or a chronic condition that greatly impacts the patient’s lifestyle.  

Some of the most common causes of long-term urinary incontinence include: 

  • Pelvic floor disorders 
  • Stroke 
  • Diabetes 
  • Menopause 
  • Multiple sclerosis 
  • Enlarged prostate 
  • Prostate cancer surgery 

Many patients are able to find symptom relief through a variety of nonsurgical treatments, including medications, lifestyle changes and vaginal inserts. Bulking agent and Botox® injections may also be used. If these treatments don’t alleviate the condition, surgery may be an option.   

What Are the Benefits of Urinary Leakage Surgery? 

For severe cases of incontinence that don’t respond to other treatment options, urinary leakage surgery may provide the long-term relief the patient is hoping for. While there is a risk of complications, the potential benefits are great. 

Urinary Leakage Surgery Details 

There are a few different options to consider for urinary leakage surgery, and the right choice might depend on the type of urinary incontinence the patient is experiencing: 

  • Neuromodulation devices – A pacemaker can be implanted to stimulate the nerves leading to the bladder to improve control. 
  • Sling procedures – A strip of the patient’s own tissue or a synthetic strip is used to support the urethral channel. 
  • Suspension procedures – Bladder neck suspension reinforces the urethra and bladder neck to help prevent leakage. 
  • Artificial urethral sphincter – This procedure may be an option for men who have had prostate cancer surgery.  

Recovery from these surgical procedures can take several weeks, and in some cases, a urinary catheter may need to be utilized until the patient can urinate normally.  

How Effective Is Urinary Leakage Surgery? 

The answer depends on the type of urinary incontinence the patient is experiencing as well as the type of surgery performed. Long-term success rates are highest for patients who were suffering from stress incontinence caused by weakened pelvic floor muscles.  

Tampa General Hospital offers treatments for a wide range of urological conditions in men and women, including urinary incontinence. With an experienced staff, we are able to provide patients with a multidisciplinary team of urologists and other medical experts who specialize in treating each patient’s precise diagnosis.