
Urinalysis is a commonly used test to check for signs of diseases, conditions and metabolic issues in both men and women.  Urinalysis, or a urine test, is a type of diagnostic test that involves screening a patient’s urine sample for signs of diseases, conditions and metabolic issues.  

Why Is Urinalysis Performed? 

Urinalysis is often performed: 

  • As part of a yearly examination to check your overall health 
  • To keep track of and monitor previously diagnosed conditions and illnesses, such as diabetes and kidney disease 
  • To diagnose a urinary tract infection (UTI) or other medical condition 

In addition, urinalysis may be used as part of a diagnostic process when you experience certain symptoms, such as: 

  • Frequent urination 
  • Painful urination 
  • Blood in urine 
  • Abdominal pain 
  • Back pain 

A urine test is also used to confirm pregnancy, but the test used is not the same as the typical urinalysis.  

Procedure Details 

In general, you will be responsible for collecting your own urine sample. You will be given a specimen cup and sterile wipes, and you’ll be instructed on how to properly collect your sample to avoid contamination.  

The urine collection process will differ for women and men: 

  • For women and girls – While sitting on the toilet with legs spread, use two fingers to spread apart the labia. Use a sterile wipe to clean the inner labial folds and another to clean over the urethra (where urine leaves your body). Clean from front to back. Then, urinate a small amount into the toilet then stop the flow. Place the specimen cup a few inches from your urethra and urinate into the cup.  
  • For men and boys - Use a sterile wipe to clean the head of your penis. If you are uncircumcised, pull back the foreskin while cleaning. Then, urinate a small amount into the toilet then stop the flow. Place the specimen cup a few inches from your urethra and urinate into the cup. 

After you’ve collected 1 to 2 ounces of urine in the specimen cup, place the cup where your doctor instructed. Your specimen will be sent to a laboratory for testing.  

What to Expect

Urinalysis is a straightforward process that doesn’t require you to prepare in any particular way, though you may be asked to collect the sample first thing in the morning when urine is more concentrated.  

Improper cleaning before specimen collection, menstruation and certain supplements or medications can affect your results, so let your doctor know about any of these situations. 

Once your results are returned from the lab, your doctor may want to review them with you and recommend additional tests or exams to if your urinalysis results were abnormal.  


Urinalysis testing is extremely helpful in diagnosing and monitoring a variety of conditions in both men and women. The urologists at Tampa General Hospital use urine test results to provide patients with prompt and reliable diagnoses and treatment.