FAQs and Troubleshooting
Frequently Asked Questions
Please read the tips below before walking through the application process. We regret if your individual issue is not listed in the answers below.
- Check your system and browser to ensure they are compatible. Oracle Taleo, our applicant tracking system, does not support Netscape, AOL or Mac versions of Internet Explorer. Google Chrome, and Microsoft Edge works best for PC users. Safari and Firefox are compatible browsers for Mac users.
- Avoid using the Back button on your web browser when navigating in Taleo. This may cause the system to error.
- Always use the Sign Out button when exiting Taleo, or you may be locked out of the system.
- The Taleo system times out after 30 minutes of inactivity, so be sure to save your work at all times.
- Pop-up blockers should be disabled, because they may interfere with the proper use of the Taleo application. To temporarily allow a site to display pop-ups, click the Information Bar when it notifies you that a pop-up has been blocked. Then click Temporarily Allow Pop-ups.
- For any technical assistance please contact Digital Technologies Services at helpdesk@tgh.org.
Logging In
Q.: How do I login if I've created an account before?
A.: If you have created an account in the past and would like to access your account, please provide your information in the username and password fields, then click "Login."
Q.: I've not created an account before, how do I do that?
A.: If you are not a registered user, click "New user" and follow the instructions to create an account.
Q.: I've tried logging in several times. Now I'm getting the message that my action cannot be completed. What are my next steps?
A.: You have ten attempts to enter your username and password. After the ninth attempt you will receive a message that says you only have one more try at logging in. When an action cannot be completed, it's because you've been locked out after ten failed login attempts. After a 5-minute period you will be able to try logging in again. If you still fail to get in after ten attempts, your password will need to be reset. Click on the “Forgot Your Password” option. Within minutes you will receive an email with an access code. At the login screen, enter your username and the access code received via email. This will take you to the “Change Password” screen. Here you will enter the access code emailed to you (old password), and a new password. Once you confirm your password, you will gain access to your profile.
If you do not receive that email in your inbox, please check your junk or spam folder in your email. If the email still has not arrived, return back to the login page and click on the Forgot your password link again, enter your username and email.
Q.: I know I've created an account before, but I can't remember my username. How do I get it?
A.: If you have forgotten your username, please enter your email address in the proper field and click "Validate." If our system recognizes your email address, your username will be displayed for you immediately.
If you have never provided your email address, leave the field empty and click "Validate." You will then be asked to provide some personal information. For the system to identify your unique candidate record and retrieve your username, you'll be asked to enter information such as your name, street address, email address or phone number. Please note that email addresses usually produce the best results.
Q.: I've created an account before but can't remember my password. How do I get it?
A.: If you have forgotten your password, please enter your username and email address in the requested fields and then click OK. If your information is identified in our system, a message will be emailed to you with instructions for changing your password. Remember, the same email address cannot be used on multiple applications/profiles.
Q.: I'm trying to enter my username, but the system won't accept it. What's wrong?
A.: If you've never created an account before and are trying to enter a username for the very first time and the action can't be completed, then someone else has already created an account using that username. Please go back to the login page and enter a unique username. If you have already used our system in the past as a candidate or a referrer, please go back to the login page and sign in as a returning user or use the "Forgot your username?" feature. Once the Forgot your username link is selected, enter your email. The system will display your username.
Q.: I'm trying to enter my email address, but the system says it already exists. What do I do next?
A.: The same email address cannot be used on multiple applications/profiles. If you've used this email address in the past as a candidate or a referrer, you will need to login as a returning user with the same username and password associated with this email address or go back to the login page and use the "Forgot your username?" feature.
Q.: I continue to get the message that my password isn't valid. What's wrong with the password I've entered?
A.: You've probably entered a password that our system can't process. All passwords must follow the simple rules below:
It must contain between 8 and 32 characters. Use only characters from the following set: ! # $ % () * + , - . > / 0123456789 : ; < = > ? @ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ [ \ ] _ |
It must contain at least 1 lowercase letter(s): abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz |
It must contain at least 1 capital letter(s): ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUXWXYZ |
It must contain at least 1 numeric character(s): 0123456789 |
It must contain at least 1 character(s) from the following set: ! # $ % & () * + , - . / : ; < = > ?@ [ \ ] _ ' { | } ~ |
It must not contain more than 2 identical consecutive characters, examples: AAA, iii, $$$$$ |
It must not contain your username |
It must not contain your first name |
It must not contain your last name. |
For issues not covered in the FAQs regarding the application process, please contact TGH’s People and Talent department at (813) 844-7551.
Q.: I want to get an update on my submitted application, how do I do that?
A.: The Applicant Tracking System, Oracle Taleo is set up to allow a user the ability to view their job submission status in real time. Log back into the system and click on the “My Jobpage” tab to view all the jobs you applied to under the completed submission section. This list will contain the status of the position, your application, and your submission. If there is not a section titled completed submission and only a section titled draft submissions, you have not officially applied to the position.
Q.: I was able to log into the system but am now seeing an Access Denied message, why?
A.: You are logging into a different link than the one used when originally applying for the position. For example, you applied as an external applicant, but you are now trying to log into the system as an internal TGH employee, or vice versa.
If you are a new hire and originally applied as an external candidate, contact your recruiter to get your profile changed to an internal candidate. Once this is completed you will now be able to access the application needed.
If you are not a TGH employee and receive this message when logging in, log back out of the system and make sure you are accessing the link under the “Not a TGH Employee” section of our careers page.
Please contact Digital Technologies Services if you have any questions or need any additional information at 813-844-7490 or at helpdesk@tgh.org.