Charles and Barbara Caldwell

Charles and Barbara Caldwell

Charles and Barbara Caldwell

After having a stroke in 2004, Charles Caldwell spent three weeks in the TGH Inpatient Comprehensive Rehab Program. He then completed his rehab work as an outpatient. Mr. Caldwell was “very satisfied…they did an excellent job with me and with people in a lot worse shape than me.” Mr. Caldwell then became what hospitals refer to as a “grateful patient.”

He asked the therapists for a wish list of equipment they needed and presented a generous check that enabled the Rehab Center to purchase all of the equipment on the list!

Since then, he and his wife, Barbara Caldwell, have both been treated by TGH cardiologist Dr. Chokshi, and Mrs. Caldwell had her knee replaced at Tampa General by Dr. Bernasek.

They have continued to express their gratitude with annual donations to the Rehab Center and recently made an additional gift to the Integrative Medicine Program at Tampa General. What a wonderful testament this couple has made to the physicians, therapists and caregivers at TGH by expressing their appreciation with contributions to make our programs even better.

To make a gift to the TGH Rehabilitation Center, click here and select Rehabilitation Center from the Gift Designation listing.